Closed fmonsalvo closed 3 years ago
I've added a glyphmap to the repo. Have a nice day :)
is this already supported? where can i find the glyphmap?
ended up mapping it manually from selection.json
const glyphMap = {
Add_Column: 59648,
Add_Minus_Square: 59649,
Add_Plus_Circle: 59650,
Add_Plus_Square: 59651,
Add_Plus: 59652,
Add_Row: 59653,
Add_To_Queue: 59654,
Airplay: 59655,
Alarm: 59656,
Archive: 59657,
Arrow_Circle_Down_Left: 59658,
Arrow_Circle_Down_Right: 59659,
Arrow_Circle_Down: 59660,
Arrow_Circle_Left: 59661,
Arrow_Circle_Right: 59662,
Arrow_Circle_Up_Left: 59663,
Arrow_Circle_Up_Right: 59664,
Arrow_Circle_Up: 59665,
Arrow_Down_Left_LG: 59666,
Arrow_Down_Left_MD: 59667,
Arrow_Down_Left_SM: 59668,
Arrow_Down_LG: 59669,
Arrow_Down_MD: 59670,
Arrow_Down_Right_LG: 59671,
Arrow_Down_Right_MD: 59672,
Arrow_Down_Right_SM: 59673,
Arrow_Down_SM: 59674,
Arrow_Down_Up: 59675,
Arrow_Left_LG: 59676,
Arrow_Left_MD: 59677,
Arrow_Left_Right: 59678,
Arrow_Left_SM: 59679,
Arrow_Reload_02: 59680,
Arrow_Right_LG: 59681,
Arrow_Right_MD: 59682,
Arrow_Right_SM: 59683,
Arrow_Sub_Down_Left: 59684,
Arrow_Sub_Down_Right: 59685,
Arrow_Sub_Left_Down: 59686,
Arrow_Sub_Left_Up: 59687,
Arrow_Sub_Right_Down: 59688,
Arrow_Sub_Right_Up: 59689,
Arrow_Sub_Up_Left: 59690,
Arrow_Sub_Up_Right: 59691,
Arrow_Undo_Down_Left: 59692,
Arrow_Undo_Down_Right: 59693,
Arrow_Undo_Up_Left: 59694,
Arrow_Undo_Up_Right: 59695,
Arrow_Up_Left_LG: 59696,
Arrow_Up_Left_MD: 59697,
Arrow_Up_Left_SM: 59698,
Arrow_Up_LG: 59699,
Arrow_Up_MD: 59700,
Arrow_Up_Right_LG: 59701,
Arrow_Up_Right_MD: 59702,
Arrow_Up_Right_SM: 59703,
Arrow_Up_SM: 59704,
Arrows_Reload_01: 59705,
Bar_Bottom: 59706,
Bar_Left: 59707,
Bar_Right: 59708,
Bar_Top: 59709,
Bell_Add: 59710,
Bell_Close: 59711,
Bell_Notification: 59712,
Bell_Off: 59713,
Bell_Remove: 59714,
Bell_Ring: 59715,
Bell: 59716,
Bold: 59717,
Book_Open: 59718,
Book: 59719,
Bookmark: 59720,
Building_01: 59721,
Building_02: 59722,
Building_03: 59723,
Building_04: 59724,
Bulb: 59725,
Calendar_Add: 59726,
Calendar_Check: 59727,
Calendar_Close: 59728,
Calendar_Days: 59729,
Calendar_Event: 59730,
Calendar_Remove: 59731,
Calendar_Week: 59732,
Calendar: 59733,
Camera: 59734,
Car_Auto: 59735,
Caret_Circle_Down: 59736,
Caret_Circle_Left: 59737,
Caret_Circle_Right: 59738,
Caret_Circle_Up: 59739,
Caret_Down_MD: 59740,
Caret_Down_SM: 59741,
Caret_Left_SM: 59742,
Caret_Right_SM: 59743,
Caret_Up_MD: 59744,
Caret_Up_SM: 59745,
Chart_Bar_Horizontal_01: 59746,
Chart_Bar_Vertical_01: 59747,
Chart_Line: 59748,
Chart_Pie: 59749,
Chat_Add: 59750,
Chat_Check: 59751,
Chat_Circle_Add: 59752,
Chat_Circle_Check: 59753,
Chat_Circle_Close: 59754,
Chat_Circle_Dots: 59755,
Chat_Circle_Remove: 59756,
Chat_Circle: 59757,
Chat_Close: 59758,
Chat_Conversation_Circle: 59759,
Chat_Conversation: 59760,
Chat_Dots: 59761,
Chat_Remove: 59762,
Chat: 59763,
Check_All_Big: 59764,
Check_All: 59765,
Check_Big: 59766,
Check: 59767,
Checkbox_Check: 59768,
Checkbox_Fill: 59769,
Checkbox_Unchecked: 59770,
Chevron_Down_Duo: 59771,
Chevron_Down: 59772,
Chevron_Left_Duo: 59773,
Chevron_Left_MD: 59774,
Chevron_Left: 59775,
Chevron_Right_Duo: 59776,
Chevron_Right_MD: 59777,
Chevron_Right: 59778,
Chevron_Up_Duo: 59779,
Chevron_Up: 59780,
Chromecast: 59781,
Circle_Check: 59782,
Circle_Help: 59783,
Circle_Warning: 59784,
Circle: 59785,
Clock: 59786,
Close_Circle: 59787,
Close_LG: 59788,
Close_MD: 59789,
Close_SM: 59790,
Close_Square: 59791,
Cloud_Add: 59792,
Cloud_Check: 59793,
Cloud_Close: 59794,
Cloud_Download: 59795,
Cloud_Off: 59796,
Cloud_Remove: 59797,
Cloud_Upload: 59798,
Cloud: 59799,
Code: 59800,
Coffe_To_Go: 59801,
Coffee: 59802,
Columns: 59803,
Combine_Cells: 59804,
Command: 59805,
Compass: 59806,
Cookie: 59807,
Copy: 59808,
Credit_Card_01: 59809,
Credit_Card_02: 59810,
Crop: 59811,
Cupcake: 59812,
Cylinder: 59813,
Data: 59814,
Delete_Column: 59815,
Delete_Row: 59816,
Desktop_Tower: 59817,
Desktop: 59818,
Devices: 59819,
Double_Quotes_L: 59820,
Double_Quotes_R: 59821,
Download_Package: 59822,
Download: 59823,
Drag_Horizontal: 59824,
Drag_Vertical: 59825,
Dummy_Circle_Small: 59826,
Dummy_Circle: 59827,
Dummy_Square_Small: 59828,
Dummy_Square: 59829,
Edit_Pencil_01: 59830,
Edit_Pencil_02: 59831,
Edit_Pencil_Line_01: 59832,
Edit_Pencil_Line_02: 59833,
Exit: 59834,
Expand: 59835,
External_Link: 59836,
Figma: 59837,
File_Add: 59838,
File_Blank: 59839,
File_Check: 59840,
File_Close: 59841,
File_Code: 59842,
File_Document: 59843,
File_Download: 59844,
File_Edit: 59845,
File_Remove: 59846,
File_Search: 59847,
File_Upload: 59848,
Files: 59849,
Filter_Off: 59850,
Filter: 59851,
First_Aid: 59852,
Flag: 59853,
Folder_Add: 59854,
Folder_Check: 59855,
Folder_Close: 59856,
Folder_Code: 59857,
Folder_Document: 59858,
Folder_Download: 59859,
Folder_Edit: 59860,
Folder_Open: 59861,
Folder_Remove: 59862,
Folder_Search: 59863,
Folder_Upload: 59864,
Folder: 59865,
Folders: 59866,
Font: 59867,
Forward: 59868,
Gift: 59869,
Globe: 59870,
Hamburger_LG: 59871,
Hamburger_MD: 59872,
Handbag: 59873,
Heading_H1: 59874,
Heading_H2: 59875,
Heading_H3: 59876,
Heading_H4: 59877,
Heading_H5: 59878,
Heading_H6: 59879,
Heading: 59880,
Headphones: 59881,
Heart_01: 59882,
Heart_02: 59883,
Help: 59884,
Hide: 59885,
House_01: 59886,
House_02: 59887,
House_03: 59888,
House_Add: 59889,
House_Check: 59890,
House_Close: 59891,
House_Remove: 59892,
Image_01: 59893,
Image_02: 59894,
Info: 59895,
Instance: 59896,
Italic: 59897,
Keyboard: 59898,
Label: 59899,
Laptop: 59900,
Layer: 59901,
Layers: 59902,
Leaf: 59903,
Line_L: 59904,
Line_M: 59905,
Line_S: 59906,
Line_Xl: 59907,
Link_Break: 59908,
Link_Horizontal_Off: 59909,
Link_Horizontal: 59910,
Link_Vertical: 59911,
Link: 59912,
List_Add: 59913,
List_Check: 59914,
List_Checklist: 59915,
List_Ordered: 59916,
List_Remove: 59917,
List_Unordered: 59918,
Loading: 59919,
Lock_Open: 59920,
Lock: 59921,
Log_Out: 59922,
Magnifying_Glass_Minus: 59923,
Magnifying_Glass_Plus: 59924,
Mail_Open: 59925,
Mail: 59926,
Main_Component: 59927,
Map_Pin: 59928,
Map: 59929,
Mention: 59930,
Menu_Alt_01: 59931,
Menu_Alt_02: 59932,
Menu_Alt_03: 59933,
Menu_Alt_04: 59934,
Menu_Alt_05: 59935,
Menu_Duo_LG: 59936,
Menu_Duo_MD: 59937,
Mobile_Button: 59938,
Mobile: 59939,
Monitor_Play: 59940,
Monitor: 59941,
Moon: 59942,
More_Grid_Big: 59943,
More_Grid_Small: 59944,
More_Horizontal: 59945,
More_Vertical: 59946,
Mouse: 59947,
Move_Horizontal: 59948,
Move_Vertical: 59949,
Move: 59950,
Moving_Desk: 59951,
Navigation: 59952,
Note_Edit: 59953,
Note_Search: 59954,
Note: 59955,
Notebook: 59956,
Octagon_Check: 59957,
Octagon_Help: 59958,
Octagon_Warning: 59959,
Octagon: 59960,
Option: 59961,
Paper_Plane: 59962,
Paperclip_Attechment_Horizontal: 59963,
Paperclip_Attechment_Tilt: 59964,
Paragraph: 59965,
Path: 59966,
Pause_Circle: 59967,
Pause: 59968,
Phone: 59969,
Planet: 59970,
Play_Circle: 59971,
Play: 59972,
Printer: 59973,
Puzzle: 59974,
Qr_Code: 59975,
Radio_Fill: 59976,
Radio_Unchecked: 59977,
Rainbow: 59978,
Redo: 59979,
Remove_Minus_Circle: 59980,
Remove_Minus: 59981,
Rewind: 59982,
Rows: 59983,
Ruler: 59984,
Save: 59985,
Search_Magnifying_Glass: 59986,
Select_Multiple: 59987,
Settings_Future: 59988,
Settings: 59989,
Share_Android: 59990,
Share_iOS_Export: 59991,
Shield_Check: 59992,
Shield_Warning: 59993,
Shield: 59994,
Shopping_Bag_01: 59995,
Shopping_Bag_02: 59996,
Shopping_Cart_01: 59997,
Shopping_Cart_02: 59998,
Show: 59999,
Shrink: 60000,
Shuffle: 60001,
Single_Quotes_L: 60002,
Single_Quotes_R: 60003,
Skip_Back: 60004,
Skip_Forward: 60005,
Slider_01: 60006,
Slider_02: 60007,
Slider_03: 60008,
Sort_Ascending: 60009,
Sort_Descending: 60010,
Square_Check: 60011,
Square_Help: 60012,
Square_Warning: 60013,
Square: 60014,
Star: 60015,
Stop_Circle: 60016,
Stop_Sign: 60017,
Stop: 60018,
Strikethrough: 60019,
Suitcase: 60020,
Sun: 60021,
Swatches_Palette: 60022,
Swicht_Left: 60023,
Swicht_Right: 60024,
Table_Add: 60025,
Table_Remove: 60026,
Table: 60027,
Tablet_Button: 60028,
Tablet: 60029,
Tag: 60030,
Terminal: 60031,
Text_Align_Center: 60032,
Text_Align_Justify: 60033,
Text_Align_Left: 60034,
Text_Align_Right: 60035,
Text: 60036,
Ticket_Voucher: 60037,
Timer_Add: 60038,
Timer_Close: 60039,
Timer_Remove: 60040,
Timer: 60041,
Trash_Empty: 60042,
Trash_Full: 60043,
Trending_Down: 60044,
Trending_Up: 60045,
Triangle_Check: 60046,
Triangle_Warning: 60047,
Triangle: 60048,
Underline: 60049,
Undo: 60050,
Unfold_Less: 60051,
Unfold_More: 60052,
User_01: 60053,
User_02: 60054,
User_03: 60055,
User_Add: 60056,
User_Card_ID: 60057,
User_Check: 60058,
User_Circle: 60059,
User_Close: 60060,
User_Remove: 60061,
User_Square: 60062,
User_Voice: 60063,
Users_Group: 60064,
Users: 60065,
Volume_Max: 60066,
Volume_Min: 60067,
Volume_Minus: 60068,
Volume_Off_02: 60069,
Volume_Off: 60070,
Volume_Plus: 60071,
Warning: 60072,
Water_Drop: 60073,
Wavy_Check: 60074,
Wavy_Help: 60075,
Wavy_Warning: 60076,
Wavy: 60077,
Wifi_High: 60078,
Wifi_Low: 60079,
Wifi_Medium: 60080,
Wifi_None: 60081,
Wifi_Off: 60082,
Wifi_Problem: 60083,
Window_Check: 60084,
Window_Close: 60085,
Window_Code_Block: 60086,
Window_Sidebar: 60087,
Window_Terminal: 60088,
Window: 60089,
Usage with @expo/vector-icons
download coolicons.ttf
import { createIconSet } from '@expo/vector-icons';
const assets = require('coolicons.ttf') // provide path to ttf file
const CoolIcons = createIconSet(glyphMap, 'coolicons', assets);
export default function App() {
return <CoolIcons name="Add_Plus" color="white" />
Hi @krystonschwarze I love your icon library. Unfortunately I need a glyph map to use it in react-native. Would it be possible to add it? Thanks