krzysg / MosaicSuite

MosaicSuite contains image analysis and processing plugins for ImageJ/Fiji ....... This is a backup site for latest code refer to:
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Access from a public maven #1

Open kephale opened 6 years ago

kephale commented 6 years ago

@krzysg is there a public location for the MosaicSuite jar that I can get via Maven?

krzysg commented 6 years ago

Hi, sorry for late answer. Currently we do not put MosaicSuite jar in maven. My goal was to first clenaup and maybe split MosaicSutie into serveral subprojects but... I'm working alone and it takes lot of time. If you need that I can try to figure it out how to do that (we have some dependencies to libraries that are no more supported in maven and that's the reason I produce fat library with everything we need)...

kephale commented 6 years ago

No worries, I know you're busy APRing. I'll use a local repo with the fat jar for now and that will be just fine.

Ideally the subproject jars would be on the imagej maven repo. Even better, they would be ported to imagej-ops, but personally I would be completely happy if I could just get them from any public repo.

kephale commented 5 years ago

Hey @krzysg,

I'm just bumping this question, but no rush.

Perhaps the MosaicSuite jar could be deployed to Maven using the SciJava Travis scripts, while the fat jar is pushed to the update site. Automated update sites are supported now too (although you might have some of the same issues as SciView because of the dependencies).

krzysg commented 5 years ago

Hi Kyle,

since the long history of MosaicSuite it wasn't that obvious what to do - for example we still are using some jar files that technically disappeared from web :-) and we were downloading them from our local MOSAIC maven repo. Anyway I have put them in a source tree (they are small enough to do so).

Latest MosaicSuite is currently in our MOSAIC repository, let me know if this is OK for you (it should be easily accessible from outside). Just update your pom.xml with:



Just to explain - 1.0.16_Full is exactly same jar as you get from update sites when you update your Fiji/ImageJ and this is fat jar with all dependencies. If you just need jar with mosaic stuff without dependencies use just 1.0.16 as a version.

Hope this help.