krzysk1 / wilga

Wilga 80 for Aerofly FS4
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Quality of Life Suggestions for Throttle/Mixture/PropSpeed & Landing Gear Shock Values #15

Open jayeye2011 opened 1 year ago

jayeye2011 commented 1 year ago

I use an X-Box equivalent controller for my flight controller so I have to use buttons and d-pad for throttle, mixture, and propeller speed control. So it is really helpful that the throttle, mixture, and prop speed levers all move at the same speed per button or d-pad press. To do this I suggest specifically defining the following in the wilga.tmd file rather than leave them up to whatever the default is when not specified.

<[input_lever][ThrottleInput][] <[string8][Message][Controls.Throttle1]> <[tmvector2d][Range][ 0.0 1.0 ]> <[uint][Positions][201]> <[float64][Value][0.0]> <[float64][Speed][0.50]>

<[input_lever][MixtureInput][] <[string8][Message][Controls.Mixture1]> <[tmvector2d][Range][ 0.0 1.0 ]> <[uint][Positions][201]> <[float64][Value][1.0]> <[float64][Speed][0.50]>

<[input_lever][PropSpeedInput][] <[string8][Message][Controls.PropellerSpeed1]> <[tmvector2d][Range][ 0.0 1.0 ]> <[uint][Positions][201]> <[float64][Value][1.0]> <[float64][Speed][0.50]>

Also I would suggest softer shock settings for the left, right, and tail gear so there is more shock absorption on landing (good for bush plane) and less bouncing ball effect. <[multibody_joint][JointFuselageLeftGear][] <[tmvector3d][X0][0.0 1.0 0.0]> <[float64][Kp][10000.0]> // 0 and oleo_pneumatic_damper <[float64][Kd][500.0]> // 0 and oleo_pneumatic_damper <[string8][Body0][Fuselage]> <[string8][Body1][LeftGear]> <[tmvector3d][R0][1.2571 1.1216 -1.09358]> <[uint32][Type][0]>

<[multibody_joint][JointFuselageRightGear][] <[tmvector3d][X0][0.0 1.0 0.0]> <[float64][Kp][10000.0]> // 0 and oleo_pneumatic_damper <[float64][Kd][500.0]> // 0 and oleo_pneumatic_damper <[string8][Body0][Fuselage]> <[string8][Body1][RightGear]> <[tmvector3d][R0][1.2571 -1.1216 -1.09358]> <[uint32][Type][0]>

<[multibody_joint][JointFuselageTailGearUpper][] <[string8][Body0][Fuselage]> <[string8][Body1][TailGearUpper]>
<[tmvector3d][X0][ 0.0 1.0 0.0]> <[tmvector3d][R0][-5.0967 0.0 -0.3769]>
<[float64][Kp][8000.0]> <[float64][Kd][500.0]> <[uint32][Type][0]>

Edit: I also suggest increasing the tail gear turn limits so you can make tighter turns on taxi if you do not have differential braking capability. <[servoclassic][ServoSteering][] <[string8][Input][SteeringProduct.Output]> <[float64][Speed][4.0]> <[float64][P0][0.0]> <[float64][P1][-1.57079633]> // max deflection arc 90 degress or +/- 45 degrees for tail wheel

Here is my version of the wilga.tmd file for the casual flyer using an X-box controller for flight control.

jayeye2011 commented 1 year ago

TMD file tuned to give cruise 80kts by setting Cdx = 0.25 and Left/Right Wing incidence angle -about 3.55 degrees. wilga Cdx_0 25_3 55degWingIncidence Clarification - this requires propeller speed and throttle lever settings as shown in the screenshot below. Without a engine RPM, propeller RPM, manifold pressure, EGT gauge, it is impossible to know what exact settings to use since this is a constant speed propeller aircraft, Also the engine governor is not very smooth as prop speed lever changes result in step changes in propeller drag.


jayeye2011 commented 1 year ago

Here is a video for real wilga 80 inside cockpit, not great but best I could find to see how prop speed and throttle are worked by the pilot during flight.