Closed crash481 closed 1 year ago
Oh I fixed it Moving my project out of "/Documents" directory But it is strange, that it is working with CocoaPods in "/Documents" directory
If there some fixes or workarounds for making it work in "/Documents" directory? P.S. questions about HotReloading project is still actual, help me please to clearly understand it
Hi, there are some problems when you try to use injection with a project inside the ~/Documents directory as it has special permissions. It can work but it is never clear why and is best avoided.
And there is no ways to fix problems with "~/Documents"?
I more then 7 years using this folder to store my different projects, you think I need to change locations?
It has caused people problems in the past. Basically, as I say, having your project in that directory is best avoided.
Hello, I trying to integrate you great solution And it worked good via CocoaPods
But when I trying to integrate it via Xcode 14.3 package manager I get an error in console on same project
Please, can you explain how can I fix it? Project is swift UIKit, and it work good with CocoaPod integration
As I clearly understand your project using, but it needs to force reload UIView and UIViewController when that lib calls Injected callback. And this your project doing it by wrapping to Host. Am I right?
And also, do you know this project of InjectionForXcode owner ? If it is doing the same as your project, of for what it is?