krzysztofzablocki / LinkedConsole

Clickable links in your Xcode console, so you never wonder which class logged the message.
MIT License
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Xcode 7.3 compatibility #26

Closed kenji21 closed 8 years ago

kenji21 commented 8 years ago

Simply adds the Xcode 7.3 UUID to Info.plist

kenji21 commented 8 years ago

Hmm, I'll update this PR with fixed warnings... as soon as I find the solution for this one :

KZLinkedConsole.swift:58:60: No method declared with Objective-C selector 'kz_fixAttributesInRange:'

as the "method" kz_fixAttributesInRange is a swift one :

`func kz_fixAttributesInRange(range: NSRange) {

kenji21 commented 8 years ago

Fixed, I've added some variables for selectors :

let kz_mouseDownSelector = #selector(NSTextView.kz_mouseDown(_:))

krzysztofzablocki commented 8 years ago
