krzysztofzablocki / LinkedConsole

Clickable links in your Xcode console, so you never wonder which class logged the message.
MIT License
931 stars 63 forks source link

Objective c compatibility #28

Closed paultnp closed 8 years ago

paultnp commented 8 years ago

This plugin works perfect in swift project, however it is not working with Objective-C. I have also tried to create a swift file in Objective-C project and added the method "logMessage" given in your sample code but the hyperlink in the log did not create.

Please let me know if this plugin can be integrated with objective-c project as it is very useful plugin and must be available for objective-c projects

Thanks in advanced.

krzysztofzablocki commented 8 years ago

@paultnp I'm assuming you got it to work ? :)

paultnp commented 8 years ago

Yes, Thanks