krzysztofzablocki / LinkedConsole

Clickable links in your Xcode console, so you never wonder which class logged the message.
MIT License
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Xcode 8 Extensions #37

Open txaiwieser opened 7 years ago

txaiwieser commented 7 years ago

This plugin is not possible today with Xcode 8.

I spoke to an Xcode engineer during wwdc and he recommended opening Radar for new features for the extension points. Everybody should fill one! :)

kenji21 commented 7 years ago


skreutzberger commented 7 years ago

Yep, all existing plugins won’t work anymore with Xcode 8 😒

kenji21 commented 7 years ago

Pushed three bugreports yesterday :

gaming-hacker commented 7 years ago

and another reason, i'm not "upgrading" to xcode 8

krzysztofzablocki commented 7 years ago

you can unsign Xcode 8 to make it work, also take a look at

lfarah commented 7 years ago

So if it works with MakeXcodeGr8Again, could we update do Swift 3?

kenji21 commented 7 years ago

Got some spindump after having unsigned xcode8... I fixed them by replacing signed xcode :


mv /Applications/ /Applications/
mv /Applications/ /Applications/

open /Applications/

mv /Applications/ /Applications/
mv /Applications/ /Applications/
krzysztofzablocki commented 7 years ago

There is a swift3 branch now, thanks to @samsonjs

kenji21 commented 7 years ago

OK, the unsigning do not work on Sierra... because all apps must be signed... Then, let's use codesign to resign Xcode :


if [ $# -lt 1 ] ; then
        echo "usage : $(basename $0) /Application/";
        exit -1


/usr/bin/codesign --force --sign "Mac Developer" --timestamp=none /Applications/
/usr/bin/codesign --force --sign "Mac Developer" --timestamp=none /Applications/

/usr/bin/codesign --force --sign "Mac Developer" --timestamp=none ~/Library/Application\ Support/Developer/Shared/Xcode/Plug-ins/*.xcplugin