krzysztofzablocki / crafter

Crafter - Xcode project configuration CLI made easy.
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Updating gemspec's xcodeproj version #23

Closed myster-t closed 7 years ago

myster-t commented 7 years ago

The newest version of xcodeproj required a few tweaks to the code to get working. One thing to keep in mind, and perhaps something you should write as an example in your default crafter script, is that all set_build_settings() can't be made with ruby symbols anymore. The keys have to be strings (e.g. :'KZBEnv' is not ok): set_build_settings({ 'BUNDLE_ID_SUFFIX' => '.dev', 'BUNDLE_DISPLAY_NAME_SUFFIX' => 'dev', 'KZBEnv' => 'DEV' }, configuration: :Debug)

krzysztofzablocki commented 7 years ago

thanks for contributing :)