krzysztofzablocki / crafter

Crafter - Xcode project configuration CLI made easy.
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Improve output #5

Closed alloy closed 11 years ago

alloy commented 11 years ago

The output could be a bit nicer. Currently it looks like this:

~/C/F/mtreader [master] » crafter
1. MTReader
2. spec
Which target should I use for default?
1. MTReader
2. spec
Which target should I use for tests?
do you want to add networking?
do you want to add coredata?
do you want to add testing?

I would opt for something like:

~/C/F/mtreader [master] » crafter
To which target should the defaults be applied?
1. MTReader
2. spec
Choice [1, 2]: 1

Which target is used for testing purposes?
1. MTReader
2. spec
Choice [1, 2]: 2

Do you want to add networking?
Choice [Y/n]: y

Do you want to add coredata?
Choice: [Y/n]: y

Do you want to add testing?
Choice: [Y/n]: y

I saw that you have a dependency on Highline, but I wasn't really sure where you were actually using it and what for. I would probably create this UI in pure Ruby (without the dependency).