krzyzanowskim / OpenSSL

OpenSSL package for SwiftPM, CocoaPod, and Carthage, multiplatform
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Change version numbering for better CocoaPods support #20

Closed ricsantos closed 8 years ago

ricsantos commented 8 years ago

As per this issue:

The use of letters in the versioning signifies (incorrectly) to CocoaPods that OpenSSL-Universal is a pre-release version.

In previous versions of CocoaPods this may not have been an issue, but with 0.39 it appears to be, eg:

Resolving dependencies of `Podfile`
[!] Due to the previous naïve CocoaPods resolver, you were using a pre-release version of `OpenSSL-Universal`, without explicitly asking for a pre-release version, which now leads to a conflict. Please decide to either use that pre-release version by adding the version requirement to your Podfile (e.g. `pod 'OpenSSL-Universal', '= 1.0.1.i'`) or revert to a stable version by running `pod update OpenSSL-Universal`.
krzyzanowskim commented 8 years ago

what is your proposal to keep openssl versioning and not make it "pre" release versioning ?

ricsantos commented 8 years ago

Perhaps use the system employed by OpenSSL-Pod:

OpenSSL version: A.B.CD will become A.B.C*100 + place of D in the alphabet. Example: OpenSSL 1.0.1h => OpenSSL 1.0.108

krzyzanowskim commented 8 years ago

I agree versioning sucks, but "108" is not any better, you have to do some math to check what version it is actually. Not goos solution though. Wish there would be version and "descriptive" version.

krzyzanowskim commented 8 years ago

new formula is

"1.0.1.#{("a".."z").to_a.index 'q'}"

that is for "1.0.1q"