krzyzanowskim / OpenSSL

OpenSSL package for SwiftPM, CocoaPod, and Carthage, multiplatform
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Error when importing 3.1.5002 with SPM #207

Closed jpovedap closed 2 months ago

jpovedap commented 2 months ago

Importing 3.1.5001 works fine, but when SPM tries to bring new v3.1.5002 an error appears:

krzyzanowskim commented 2 months ago

uuuups. typo in manifest. looks like I have to release update to please SwiftPM. I removed 3.1.5002 release and will issue fixed 3.1.5003 when ready (tomorrow)

jpovedap commented 2 months ago

It's okay, sh*t happens. Thank you for the quick response!

krzyzanowskim commented 2 months ago

Fixed with 3.1.5003