ks-hl / AuxProtect

Data Logging and Inventory Recovery plugin designed to suplement CoreProtect
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AuxProtect command /ap playtime is canceled by InteractiveChat plugin #8

Closed cupang-afk closed 1 year ago

cupang-afk commented 1 year ago

as title said

[22:12:51 INFO]: cupang_afk issued server command: /ap playtime cupang_afk
[22:12:52 INFO]: [InteractiveChat] Cancelled a chat packet bounded to cupang_afk that is 41760 characters long (Longer than maximum allowed in a chat packet), sending original unmodified message instead! [THIS IS NOT A BUG]

in-game response image nothing sended after Searching database...

server info

ks-hl commented 1 year ago

Is it anything you search, or just /ap playtime?

cupang-afk commented 1 year ago

Is it anything you search, or just /ap playtime?

its only /ap playtime cupang_afk

cupang-afk commented 1 year ago


the time when i wrote this issue, i probably using InteractiveChat build #218

i installed build #220 now, this problem fixed image

sorry, I wish I had written this issue to the InteractiveChat dev, as it is not this plugin's fault

i'll close this