ks888 / LambStatus

[Maintenance mode] Serverless Status Page System
Apache License 2.0
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SNS StatusPage-IncidentNotification not working #136

Closed dakotabenjamin closed 5 years ago

dakotabenjamin commented 5 years ago

Maybe I am using it wrong, but i have an Elastic Beanstalk app, and I set up an alarm that triggered when network usage was high. I set the Notification to StatusPage-IncidentNotification, but nothing happens when the alarm is triggered. Do I need to do anything else, or is this a bug?

ks888 commented 5 years ago

StatusPage-IncidentNotification is the topic to send the incident email and update the rss feed. So far there is no topic to create or update the incident, though I think such an integration is nice to have.

As LambStatus has the APIs, you can write a script (or Lambda function) to integrate the alarm with LambStatus. https://lambstatus.github.io/apidocs/#create-a-new-incident