Fixed failed core test on dot product implementation
dot product implementation created an extra mulit-index in the gdf that was causing problems
Fixed failed export test on exporting weightmap
replaced xr.testing.assert_equal() with xr.testing.assert_allclose(), which is good enough for what was being checked
Fixed failed CI environment construction
updated workflow to more recent mamba environment scripts
Filtered out UserWarning on gpd.overlay() in certain tests
this warning would appear if a pixel exactly touched a polygon at a line or a point, in which case the code would (correctly) not count an "overlap", but gpd would throw a warning that the "overlay"'ed Line and/or Point were being (correctly) dropped by keep_geom_type=True
Removed cause of gpd FutureWarning in get_pixel_overlaps()
a geodataframe was being initalized and then populated; now it is created in one step using gpd.GeoDataFrame(), which is more robust
Fixed failed core test on dot product implementation
Fixed failed export test on exporting weightmap
, which is good enough for what was being checkedFixed failed CI environment construction
Filtered out UserWarning on
in certain testskeep_geom_type=True
Removed cause of
FutureWarning inget_pixel_overlaps()
, which is more robust