User Story:
As a Developer, I want to deploy my dockerized project on ${Platform}, so that I can ensure the application is configured correctly and provide services to end users.
Given a Docker Image of the web application; When I deploy the Docker image to ${Platform}; Then the application is accessible via a public IP address (or domain name).
Given the SSH access to the underlying machine; When I deploy the container; Then application logs are accessible for monitoring and debugging.
Note: I tried signing up for Akamai but my account was rejected for some reason. I have accounts for AWS and Digital Ocean already, which I will side with one when the time comes.
User Story: As a Developer, I want to deploy my dockerized project on ${Platform}, so that I can ensure the application is configured correctly and provide services to end users.
Note: I tried signing up for Akamai but my account was rejected for some reason. I have accounts for AWS and Digital Ocean already, which I will side with one when the time comes.