ksahlin / strobealign

Aligns short reads using dynamic seed size with strobemers
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Optimized parameters for multi-context seeds #423

Open marcelm opened 1 month ago

marcelm commented 1 month ago

Branch: mcs-optimized-parameters (commit 7fe07b498e274567050cfe888bb91d1752e961c9).

The same command as in #407 was used:

./search.py -c ${commit} -x --accuracy-slack 0.1 --mapping-rate-slack 1 -r ${read_length}

Suggested changes

Using parameters from commit 4c10938ac1e88f90f1585eb10c75d33109a2bd64 as baseline.

Readl. Before Optimized maponly SE maponly PE extalign SE extalign PE
50 (16, 12, -2, 0) (16, 12, -2, -1) +0.1156 +0.1477 +0.0559 +0.0586
75 (20, 16, -3, -1) (22, 18, -2, -1) +0.3205 +0.2597 +0.0631 +0.1046
100 (16, 12, 1, 3) (20, 16, 0, 3) +0.1307 +0.1723 +0.0171 +0.0694
150 (20, 16, 2, 5) (23, 19, 3, 6) +0.1889 +0.1499 +0.0525 +0.0486
200 (24, 20, 4, 12) (26, 22, 4, 13) +0.0621 +0.0274 +0.0100 +0.0108
300 (24, 20, 5, 13) (26, 22, 6, 14) +0.1496 +0.0557 +0.0438 +0.0169
500 (25, 19, 7, 13) (27, 21, 6, 14) +0.0861 +0.0231 +0.0219 +0.0012

Old table using parameters from v0.12 as baseline Readl. | Before | Optimized | maponly SE | maponly PE | extalign SE | extalign PE -|-|-|-|-|-|- 50 | (18, 14, -2, 1) | (16, 12, -2, -1) | +0.1477 | +0.3609 | +0.2171 | +0.1236 75 | (20, 16, -3, 2) | (22, 18, -2, -1) | +0.3006 | +0.2672 | +0.0232 | +0.1401 100 | (20, 16, -2, 2) | (20, 16, 0, 3) | +0.6108 | +0.3681 | +0.1630 | +0.1153 100 | | (23, 19, 0, 1) | +0.4422 | +0.3745 | +0.0729 | +0.1442 150 | (20, 16, 1, 7) | (23, 19, 4, 7) | +0.1915 | +0.2323 | +0.0257 | +0.0748 150 | | (22, 18, 3, 7) | +0.2030 | +0.1779 | +0.0536 | +0.0679 200 | (22, 18, 2, 12) | (24, 20, 4, 12) | +0.1054 | +0.1024 | +0.0550 | +0.0386 300 | (22, 18, 2, 12) | (24, 20, 6, 13) | +0.2251 | +0.1039 | +0.0769 | +0.0368 500 | (23, 17, 2, 12) | (25, 19, 7, 13) | +0.2818 | +0.1646 | +0.0596 | +0.0119
marcelm commented 1 month ago

I’ve now started to run the same optimization as above on the new "Sim5" dataset (the above was done on the "Sim3" dataset, which has less variation).

Here are the results for the read lengths that have finished.

Readl. Before Optimized maponly SE maponly PE extalign SE extalign PE
50 (16, 12, -2, 0) (16, 12, -2, -1) +0.2479 +0.2580 +0.1281 +0.1493
75 (20, 16, -3, -1) (19, 15, -1, -1) +0.2116 +0.0701 +0.0817 +0.0682
100 (16, 12, 1, 3) (17, 13, 1, 4) +0.0891 +0.0328 -0.0007 +0.0070
150 (20, 16, 2, 5) (20, 16, 2, 6) +0.0781 +0.0005 +0.0301 +0.0040
200 (24, 20, 4, 12) (23, 19, 3, 13) +0.0085 +0.004 +0.0351 +0.0049
300 (24, 20, 5, 13) (25, 21, 3, 14) +0.1113 +0.0232 +0.0224 +0.0204
500 (25, 19, 7, 13) (27, 21, 5, 14) +0.1121 +0.0441 +0.0500 +0.0065

It’s good to have this data now, but the picture becomes less clear. Except for read length 50, the best settings for Sim5 are quite different from the ones for Sim3.

Edit: Table completed for read lengths 200-500.

ksahlin commented 1 month ago

Yes, we haven't defined a precise objective yet - only that we want 'as good as possible in both scenarios'.

Before that; I am surprised by the relatively small average accuracy gain for maponly SEand maponly PE in both the tables above. I have attached accuracy plots for the genomes, SE (hg38) and PE (hg38) data from my benchmark done recently after fixing the mcs implementation.

My benchmark was done with these parameters for mcs, and strobealign_v012_opt in the plots are the same parameters you use as baseline for our current seeds (https://github.com/ksahlin/strobealign/commit/4c10938ac1e88f90f1585eb10c75d33109a2bd64). Do the parameters I used for mcs show up in your optimisation script? And is so, what are the average gains?




ksahlin commented 1 month ago

Oh, is the Before column referring to strobealign with mcs but with parameters from (https://github.com/ksahlin/strobealign/commit/4c10938ac1e88f90f1585eb10c75d33109a2bd64) ? Then I misunderstood.

Regardless, It would still be in interesting if these parameters are ever visited.

marcelm commented 1 month ago

Oh, is the Before column referring to strobealign with mcs but with parameters from (https://github.com/ksahlin/strobealign/commit/4c10938ac1e88f90f1585eb10c75d33109a2bd64) ? Then I misunderstood.

Yes, I essentially re-did the optimization for mcs using SIM5 as if we had never done an optimization using SIM3. But I guess both ways are valid? Anyway, I’ll do it the way you thought so you can compare.

Do the parameters I used for mcs show up in your optimisation script? And is so, what are the average gains?

I’ll report the numbers relative to https://github.com/ksahlin/strobealign/commit/d9d5aafc05828150bbb327c5aaaba5df3c136ea8 as soon as I have them.

ksahlin commented 1 month ago

Anyway, I’ll do it the way you thought so you can compare.

For some reason I thought the Before column was strobealign-v0.12.0-opt. I don't know why I misunderstood that though. Since comparing relative improvement to mcs (not to v0.12.0), which you are doing, is more relevant in this issue. I will anyway get the comparison to v0.12.0 in my benchmarks.

I’ll report the numbers relative to https://github.com/ksahlin/strobealign/commit/d9d5aafc05828150bbb327c5aaaba5df3c136ea8 as soon as I have them.

Okay nice - I guess this is more from my curiosity as it will signal how much better/worse the black lines in the plots I attached above will get.

marcelm commented 1 month ago

I have filled in the table above. Here is the same table but with numbers relative to d9d5aaf.

Readl. Before Optimized maponly SE maponly PE extalign SE extalign PE
50 (17, 13, -2, 0) (16, 12, -2, -1) +0.537 +0.527 +0.2882 +0.2225
75 (20, 16, -3, -1) (19, 15, -1, -1) +0.2116 +0.0701 +0.0817 +0.0682
100 (18, 14, 1, 3) (17, 13, 1, 4) +0.1218 +0.0639 +0.0868 +0.0332
150 (22, 18, 3, 5) (20, 16, 2, 6) +0.2318 +0.1071 +0.1695 +0.0003
200 (24, 20, 4, 12) (23, 19, 3, 13) +0.0085 +0.0042 +0.0351 +0.0049
300 (24, 20, 5, 13) (25, 21, 3, 14) +0.1113 +0.0232 +0.0224 +0.0204
500 (25, 19, 7, 13) (27, 21, 5, 14) +0.1121 +0.0441 +0.0500 +0.0065