Open ala98412 opened 4 months ago
Rolling back to pixy 1.2.7 will solve this issue, a fix is in the works. No calculations differ between those versions.
I wonder if this has been fixed yet. I have the same issue, but with average pi.
I am also running into this issue with both dxy and pi. Any suggestions yet?
Hi there,
I am using pixy to calculate dxy. However, all of the avg_dxy is NA. I believe that I may prepared my file incorrectly. Please forgive me if my question is too naive.
This is how I prepared my merge VCF:
bcftools mpileup -f ../ref.genome.fa -b ./BAM.list -r HiC_scaffold_39 | bcftools call -m -Oz -f GQ -o merged.vcf.gz
Base on the mannual, I believe I generated an all site VCF file. All bam files had been sorted, and I only use HiC_scaffold_39 scaffold (length=173364) for testing.
Next, I indexing my vcf.gz file by tabix:
tabix merged.Zp2.Oe2.vcf.gz
And here is my population file:
and my command of using pixy:
After running the above command, I got the follow output. It seems like I have some invalid lines, but I don't know how to solve it.
Here is avg_dxy file, pixy didn't find any difference:
This is my VCF file looks like, I can't find any problems.
Through bcftools view, there's definitely have some differents among populations in my VCF file.
bcftools view -v snps merged.vcf.gz
Thank you for your time and support. I look forward to a solution to this problem.
Best, Jui-Hung