ksanislo / TitleDB

TitleDB API and Web Interface
The Unlicense
30 stars 10 forks source link

Submissions has been possibly broken since around last commit #19

Closed FrozenChen closed 6 years ago

FrozenChen commented 6 years ago

Looking around the API looking why the apps havent been updated, i noticed the submission page in the API(https://3ds.titledb.com/v1/submission , only possible cause i found, you might have a better idea) If you check the date of the oldest stuck submission is around when the last changes were done. Since FBI for whatever reason now uses titledb to update it makes FBI unable to update since the version on titledb is always older than the one that updated with titledb.

ksanislo commented 6 years ago

Whoops, it seems that when I revamped the way I'm storing the database credentials, I didn't make them readable by the scheduled tasks that process updates. Fixed and re-scanning all known/submitted URLs now.