kschan0214 / sepia

Matlab GUI pipeline application for quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM)
MIT License
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Bug report (v0.8.0): Running FANSI with "weak harmonic regularisation + Linear + TGV" option #8

Closed kschan0214 closed 8 months ago

kschan0214 commented 3 years ago

In SEPIA v0.8.0, we tried to fix a bug in the WH_wTGV.m of FANSI toolbox which will be used when the following options are selected:

The bug occurs in line 122 of the original WH_wTGV.m:

Lap = E1+E1t+E2+E2t+E3+E3t;

where variables E1t, E2t and E3t are undefined before their usage.

To fix this we created a new function called WH_wTGV_4sepia.m and updated the line as

Lap = E1+Et1+E2+Et1+E3+Et2; %Lap = E1+E1t+E2+E2t+E3+E3t;

Upon checking, we found that the amendment is incorrect and we updated the line as

Lap = E1+Et1+E2+Et2+E3+Et3; %Lap = E1+E1t+E2+E2t+E3+E3t;

in the current master branch (commit 25c994, 3 August 2020).

The difference between the two versions is shown here: Correction FANSI WH Linear TGV

If you are using SEPIA release v0.8.0 and want to use the above FANSI algorithm setting, please update SEPIA to the current master branch.