ksenia-konyushkova / LAL

This project contains code for paper Ksenia Konyushkova, Raphael Sznitman, Pascal Fua 'Learning Active Learning from Data', NIPS 2017
Apache License 2.0
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why is it invalid when running the experiment? #1

Open ycw315989786 opened 6 years ago

ycw315989786 commented 6 years ago


nExperiments = 20 nEstimators = 50

nStart = 2

nIterations = 100

quality_metrics = ['accuracy']

dtst = DatasetCheckerboard2x2()


alR = ActiveLearnerRandom(dtst, nEstimators, 'random') alU = ActiveLearnerUncertainty(dtst, nEstimators, 'uncertainty') alLALindepend = ActiveLearnerLAL(dtst, nEstimators, 'lal-rand', lalModel1) alLALiterative = ActiveLearnerLAL(dtst, nEstimators, 'lal-iter', lalModel2) als = [alR, alU, alLALindepend, alLALiterative]

exp = Experiment(nIterations, nEstimators, quality_metrics, dtst, als, 'here we can put a comment about the current experiments')

res = Results(exp, nExperiments)

for i in range(nExperiments): print('\n experiment #'+str(i+1))

performance = exp.run()


print() res.saveResults('checkerboard2x2-exp')

Finally,NotFittedError: Estimator not fitted, call fit before exploiting the model. Why?can you give me some advises?

kaushikpavani commented 5 years ago

Please give full error message. I am guessing you have not run the first three blocks of the jupyter notebook.