kserve / modelmesh-serving

Controller for ModelMesh
Apache License 2.0
189 stars 106 forks source link

release: v0.12.0 #493

Open israel-hdez opened 3 months ago

israel-hdez commented 3 months ago

Release process reference: https://github.com/kserve/modelmesh-serving/blob/3e755a909cbdcbadb6fb86cbd48c83ae46e68f9a/docs/release-process.md

Release Process

Prepare the Release

Check pending vulnerability fixes, features and bugs:

In modelmesh-serving, create a PR against main that:

Create Release Branches

Create a release branch from main in the form of release-${MAJOR}.${MINOR} in these 5 repositories:

Update Release Tags

  1. Create new (pre-)release tags (v...-rc0) in these repositories:

  2. Verify image tags were pushed to DockerHub:

  3. (and 4) In this modelmesh-serving repository, on the release-* branch, update the version tags, submit your PR to the release-* branch that was created earlier and wait for it to merge.

    • 501

  4. https://github.com/kserve/modelmesh-serving/pull/502

Generate Release Artifacts and Publish the Release

  1. Generate the release manifests on the release-* branch:

    kustomize build config/runtimes --load-restrictor LoadRestrictionsNone > modelmesh-runtimes.yaml
    cp config/dependencies/quickstart.yaml modelmesh-quickstart-dependencies.yaml

    If you see Error: unknown flag: --load-restrictor upgrade your kustomize version to 4.x.

  2. Generate config archive on the release-* branch. The scriptlet below automatically determines the release version and chooses the version of the tar command for either Linux or macOS. Verify the correct release VERSION was found.

    VERSION=$( grep -o -E "newTag: .*$" config/manager/kustomization.yaml | sed 's/newTag: //' )
    echo "Release: ${VERSION}"
    if $(tar --version | grep -q 'bsd'); then
     tar -zcvf ${TAR_FILE} -s /config/config-${VERSION}/ config/;
     tar -zcvf ${TAR_FILE} config/ --transform s/config/config-${VERSION}/;
  3. Create a new tag on the release-* branch and push it to GitHub using the commands below, or, create a new tag in the next step using the GitHub UI. The new kserve/modelmesh-controller image will be published via GitHub Actions.

    git tag $VERSION
    git push upstream $VERSION
    echo https://github.com/kserve/modelmesh-serving/releases/new?tag=${VERSION}
  4. Create the new release in the GitHub UI from the release-* branch (or from the tag created in the previous step). Enter the release tag value (e.g. v0.11.0) in the "Release title" field and upload the generated installation manifests ("Release assets") in the "Attach binaries ..." section. Click the "Generate release notes" button which will generate the release description.

    Note, if you generated a pre-release (e.g. v0.11.0-rc0) then copy the release notes from that and remove them from the pre-release description and revise accordingly.


  5. Compare the release and release artifacts to those of previous releases to make sure nothing was missed.

  6. Once the release as been published (a new tag has been pushed), verify the check results by clicking on the check mark (✓) next to the latest commit on the release-* branch.

  7. Verify that the newly released version of the modelmesh-controller was pushed to DockerHub.

Update the KServe Helm Charts

Fork and clone the kserve/kserve repository and update all references to the old ModelMesh versions. At the time of the v0.10.0 release the following files needed to be updated.

Furthermore, the helm charts under charts/kserve-resources/templates which are used to install ModelMesh as part of KServe need to be updated with the changes in the respective manifests from the kserve/modelmesh-serving repository found in the config folder.

For reference, for the v0.10.0 release the following charts in the kserve repo had to be updated:

For the v0.9.0 release the following charts had to be updated:

Update the KServe Website

In the kserve/website repository, update all reference to the previous ModelMesh release. As of v0.10.0, docs/admin/modelmesh.md was the only Markdown file to be updated.

Release Blog

Work with Dan Sun on a joint release blog.

For reference, here are a few examples of previous release blogs featuring ModelMesh:

And the corresponding PRs to illustrate the process and the participants:

israel-hdez commented 2 months ago

@ckadner @rafvasq OK, I correctly created this: https://github.com/kserve/modelmesh-serving/releases/tag/v0.12.0-rc0.

So, I think we can start testing with that and, later, do the final 0.12.0. BTW, there is this pending PR for main: https://github.com/kserve/modelmesh-serving/pull/502.

I was thinking... I'm not sure if we should upgrade the docs for an RC... If you prefer it, I can change the PR to point to docs of 0.12.0-rc0. But given this is considered a pre-release, I wonder if it would be better to change docs until 0.12.0 final is generated?