ksherlock / ample

Apple Emulator Frontend for MAME
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Macintosh local disk images not appending to MAME command line #28

Open TandyColorComputer3 opened 3 months ago

TandyColorComputer3 commented 3 months ago

I cannot attach any floppy or HD images to Macintosh machines before launch. Tested on R55 and R54, Ample Regular (Ample Lite works correctly).

For example, Apple //c plus (or Apple IIGS) will attempt to load this 3.5" disk using the location of the file just as you would at the command line.


None of the Macintosh's will notice it, nor the Atari ST or Apple III. It is not just this image. I've tried other floppy and hd images.



ksherlock commented 3 months ago

Thanks. It will be fixed in the next update (which should be in a couple weeks).