ksheumaker / homeassistant-apsystems_ecur

Home Assistant custom component for local querying of APSystems ECU-R Solar System
Apache License 2.0
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howto install apsystems_ecur on home assistant core #178

Closed soundart closed 1 year ago

soundart commented 1 year ago


I would like to install this component on home-assistant core and got stuck.

The problem: I have an installation on my router where home-assistant is installed via pip. (I think this is the "core" version)

Somehow my setup looks different compared to the instructions given in the readme. Basically I do not have the HACS thing and I am reluctant trying to add that too, as the router is quite resource constrained already.

I have here:

homeassistant@home-assistant:/srv/homeassistant$ ./bin/pip list | grep assis home-assistant-frontend 20220504.1 homeassistant 2022.5.5

and an ECU-B at

$ nc -v 8899
Connection to 8899 port [tcp/*] succeeded!
APS11009400012163000678320110012ECU_B_1.2.26009Etc/GMT-8        VEND

What I tried:

I cloned the https://github.com/ksheumaker/homeassistant-apsystems_ecur repo and copied the folder homeassistant-apsystems_ecur/custom_components/apsystems_ecur to the custom_components folder below the config_dir of hass (that is here /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/custom_components/apsystems_ecur).

Then I changed configurations.yaml:

    scan_interval: 60

and started hass from the shell:

/srv/homeassistant/bin/python3 /srv/homeassistant/bin/hass -c /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant -v --debug --log-file=./hass.log

I see in the log some apsystems_ecur related messages, but somehow I expected sensors to appear:

2023-04-15 07:44:32 INFO (SyncWorker_0) [homeassistant.loader] Loaded apsystems_ecur from custom_components.apsystems_ecur
2023-04-15 07:44:32 WARNING (SyncWorker_0) [homeassistant.loader] We found a custom integration apsystems_ecur which has not been tested by Home Assistant. This component might cause stability problems, be sure to disable it if you experience issues with Home Assistant
2023-04-15 07:44:37 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setting up apsystems_ecur
2023-04-15 07:44:37 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup of domain apsystems_ecur took 0.0 seconds
2023-04-15 07:44:37 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Bus:Handling <Event component_loaded[L]: component=apsystems_ecur>
2023-04-15 07:44:44 DEBUG (Recorder) [homeassistant.components.recorder] Processing task: EventTask(event=<Event component_loaded[L]: component=apsystems_ecur>)

Is it possible to run this extension with the homeassistant core version?

HAEdwin commented 1 year ago

Looks like you're missing the integration config entries which are stored in /config/.storage/core.config_entries. Normally after (manual/HACS) installation you add the integration to enable the integration to initialize and store discovered entities. I'm not sure how you can add them in your case. Here is an example of how it looks like in the core.config_entries file: image

P.s. the settings stored in configuration.yaml are not being used by this integration

soundart commented 1 year ago

Thank you. I tried adding this by hand, but no luck.

[root@home-assistant:/home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/.storage#](mailto:root@home-assistant:/home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/.storage#)  diff -Naur core.config_entries-178 core.config_entries
--- core.config_entries-178     2023-04-16 06:58:10.744025482 +0000
+++ core.config_entries 2023-04-16 07:03:53.056587843 +0000
@@ -250,7 +250,23 @@
                 "source": "ignore",
                 "disabled_by": null
+            },
+            {
+                "entry_id": "abcdefab41295b7164df4f04ca51dc7f",
+                "version": 1,
+                "domain": "apsystems_ecur",
+                "title": "ECU",
+                "data": {
+                        "host": "",
+                        "scan_interval": 400
+                },
+                "options": {},
+                "pref_disable_new_entities": false,
+                "pref_disable_polling": false,
+                "source": "ignore",
+                "unique_id": null,
+                "disabled_by": null

If I compare the apsystems_ecur code to this:




I think a function like the setup_platform() is missing in apsystems_ecur.

When I tried adding some years ago a beckhoff/ twincat component to home_assistant, there was a setup() function required. I have to investigate howto do this nowadays with the modern async style.

Part/all of the setup_plattform() functionality is probably done by this HACS component if it is present. I have to check...

soundart commented 1 year ago

I was not able to add a similarly structured example from the example repo either.

I have opened this: https://github.com/home-assistant/example-custom-config/issues/43#issue-1671220141

soundart commented 1 year ago

I managed now to start the integration. I used latest dd7de48efc350ddab9ae048107773c730d67dbda from git for home-assistant core and latest afb9bd99e5d0de0045a699a724a0a13606f84205 for apsystems_ecur.

So I guess homeassistant 2022.5.5 is too old for latest apsystems_ecur.