ksheumaker / homeassistant-apsystems_ecur

Home Assistant custom component for local querying of APSystems ECU-R Solar System
Apache License 2.0
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Enhancement: Add per inverter AC_power_total, per panel DC_voltage & DC_current #268

Open mi-hol opened 2 months ago

mi-hol commented 2 months ago

It seems that currently APSystemsECU.py has some shortcomings.

From my view these are:

From findings during reverse engineering APSystems ECU communication in https://community.home-assistant.io/t/apsystems-aps-ecu-r-local-inverters-data-pull/260835/238 I assume (but have yet to proof!) that above shortcomings could be fixed.

Unfortunately the fix could introduce compatibly issues for existing solutions. Eventually just a fix of "power" as "AC_power for total inverter output" & per panel DC_voltage could be feasible.

Therefore an alternative would be adding a new class with the new values (and eventually fix of "power" as "AC_power for total inverter output" in current class)

May I ask what course of action would be the best approach to address the shortcomings?

mi-hol commented 2 months ago

Example from (restricted to installers) APS EMA report:


Data same time from (slightly modified) ECU_B.py:

{'current_power': 945,
 'ecu_firmware': 'ECU_B_1.2.33',
 'ecu_id': '2163******',
 'inverter_qty': 1,
 'inverters': {'7020********': {'DC_power': [469, 476],
                                'DC_voltage': [240, 240],
                                'channel_qty': 2,
                                'frequency': 50.0,
                                'model': 'YC60/DS3-S-M-D-L',
                                'online': True,
                                'signal': 73,
                                'temperature': 45,
                                'uid': '7020********'}},
 'lifetime_energy': 2001.8,
 'qty_of_inverters': 1,
 'qty_of_online_inverters': 1,
 'timestamp': '2024-09-14 13:14:41',
 'today_energy': 3.87}
Today energy : 3.87 kWh
Current power (DC): 945 W
Total energy : 2001.8 kWh
Number inverter: 1
Inverter Id: 7020********
Frequency: 50.0 Hz
Signal: 73 %
Temperature: 45 °C
Voltage inverter (AC) 1 panel 1: 240 V
Power inverter (DC)1 panel 1: 469 W
Power inverter (DC)1 panel 2: 476 W

Difference "Current power (DC): 945 W" to "actual AC power: 897 W (from EMA)" is 5.2% (= DC to AC conversion loss)

HAEdwin commented 2 months ago

So this goes for an ECU-B with an YC600?

mi-hol commented 2 months ago

for an ECU-B with a DS3 and after this works with a QT2.

Most important from my view is an answer to question:

May I ask what course of action would be the best approach to address the shortcomings?

because this will drive my next activities

HAEdwin commented 2 months ago

The query retrieves other data fields than what is being sent to EMA. The query in the integration does not contain DC voltages from individual panels (afaik). The data pushed to EMA does so that's why you see them in the EMA site. Where you mention: "AC_voltage is reported in per panel data" you mean AC voltage per inverter right?

We might have to break it down a bit to fully understand what you mean.

mi-hol commented 2 months ago

Where you mention: "AC_voltage is reported in per panel data" you mean AC voltage per inverter right?


HAEdwin commented 2 months ago

So that data is correct, I mean - I only see AC voltages that are within the standard for the country ~230V AC in The Netherlands

HAEdwin commented 2 months ago

These are the data fields (YC600) which are being sent to EMA (currently zero because the inverter is down) but these voltages are actual DC, per panel voltages. image It's taken from the proxy solution (under contruction): https://github.com/HAEdwin/homeassistant-apsystems_ecu_proxy And these are the fields from the query: image

mi-hol commented 2 months ago

It's taken from the proxy solution (under contruction): https://github.com/HAEdwin/homeassistant-apsystems_ecu_proxy

the data I'm after is apparently extracted in api.py function get_inverters. Do you happen to know to APS command query that triggers this response?

HAEdwin commented 2 months ago

Unfortunately not. What we've done in the beginning is looking and interpreting data dat is shown in the ECU app (later EMA manager app) and there it does not contain the data you're after. There is no documentation or further reference on what commands can be send to the ECU.

mi-hol commented 2 months ago

looking and interpreting data dat is shown in EMA manager and there it does not contain the data you're after.

The data is available in EMA web but only shown to privileged "installer" accounts (see screenshots in https://github.com/ksheumaker/homeassistant-apsystems_ecur/issues/268#issuecomment-2350959248 showing the data I'm after)

HAEdwin commented 2 months ago

Yes but it ain't in the apps (unless you discover something else) and therefor is not included in this integration. The proxy method intercepts data that is sent to EMA and it does include the data.