kshia / SimpleToDo

Day 1 CodePath FBU
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[Android] Todo App #1

Open kshia opened 8 years ago

kshia commented 8 years ago

first submission with basic functionality @codepathreview @codepath

kshia commented 8 years ago

Completed app with basic functions! @codepathreview @codepath

codepathreview commented 8 years ago

Looks good Kristina. Glad to see you complete your first app in the class! The todo app lets you get an initial feel of what it's like to build an Android app. We wanted to give you some experience working with Layouts, ListViews, ArrayAdapters, and Intents before we cover them in depth during the first few lectures.

We encourage you to do your best to tackle as many optionals as possible on each assignment. This course is project-based and the optional extensions on each project are often the most valuable learnings since they dive deeper into common Android use cases.

We hope you found this assignment useful and are really excited to see what you build throughout the program. If you have any particular questions about the assignment, feel free to reply here or email us support@codepath.com.

P.S. Thanks for submitting your project on GitHub and adding a README. Being comfortable with Git/GitHub is a really handy skill to have and it also makes our job reviewing submissions much easier.