kshitijyelpale / blockchain-hyperledger-fabric-electronic-patient-records

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Cu fq22pd integrate jwt refresh token with angular and consume doctor details api #55

Closed kshitijyelpale closed 3 years ago

kshitijyelpale commented 3 years ago


CU-fq22pd Consumed doctor details REST API (+) add doctor details template html (+) new field 'speciality' (+) called new API to get response

CU-fq22pd Refresh token in front end (+) new methods to fetch access tokens (+) separate method to add token in headers (+) separate methods to add and clear headers on login and logout (*) server.js refactoring

CU-fq22pd Set hospital id in headers (+) new method to fetch hospital id (+) regex for doctors API

kshitijyelpale commented 3 years ago

Task linked: CU-fq22pd Integrate JWT refresh token with angular and consume doctor details api