ksnyder1986 / Warhammer-40k-3rd-Edition

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Multiple Issues Blood Angels #110

Open gothmogbalrog opened 1 week ago

gothmogbalrog commented 1 week ago

Describe the new feature requested The Furioso Dreadnought is incorrectly an Imperial Armour Unit The Furioso Dreadnought is incorrectly equipped- unit in NR has 2 x Storm Bolters, while unit should have 1 x Storm Bolter and 1 x Melta gun. Meltagun missing all together. Furioso Dreadnought has too many vehicle options. It may only take Extra Armour, Searchlight and Smoke Launchers, not dozer blades, pintile mounted storm bolter or HK missile Blood Angel Honour Guard has the incorrect points cost for power weapons. They pay a discounted price of 10 points, vice 15 Blood Angel Honour Guard - Terminator Honours should only be selectable if also taken by the character Blood Angel Honour Guard has incorrect cost for Rhino and Razorback- FAQ updated it to 65/80 to pay for Overcharged Engines Sanguinary High Priest is listed as a 0-1 Choice, should be unrestricted

This also happens for Space Marine Characters but in New recruit, when you have a transport and honor guard selected for a character, they flag as having over 100 points of wargear even when they have less than 100 points of wargear directly

Where is the original data?

ksnyder1986 commented 1 week ago

Is it in the FAQ that the priests are not 0-1? In my book they are.


gothmogbalrog commented 1 week ago

Im dumb, they are 0-1

ksnyder1986 commented 1 week ago

Two things: 1) The terminator honors needing the character to have it is something I have struggled to get these data files to do correctly historically, so unfortunately this ironically becomes an honor code self-validation. 2) For the power weapons, Do you believe all members of the squad should have access to the 10pts, even the Veteran Sgt? The easy solution is to put the power swords outside of the wargear bucket, but then they don't count against the character's wargear limit. It is difficult to change points in the wargear section for units, but I might be able to given a little bit of time.