Closed andydandy74 closed 8 years ago
Great suggestion, I will have that incorporated. Yes, originally when I wrote it I don't think that people could actually define their own custom location for packages. Great catch.
This should get the job done:
import clr
from Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry import *
import sys
pyt_path = r'C:\Program Files (x86)\IronPython 2.7\Lib'
import os
appDataPath = os.getenv('APPDATA')
dynPath = appDataPath + r"\Dynamo\0.9"
if dynPath not in sys.path:
bbPath = appDataPath + r"\Dynamo\0.9\packages\Bumblebee\extra"
if bbPath not in sys.path:
import bumblebee as bb
import xml.etree.ElementTree as et
root = et.parse(dynPath + "\DynamoSettings.xml").getroot()
for child in root:
if child.tag == "CustomPackageFolders":
for path in child:
if path not in sys.path:
import bumblebee as bb
I will post update all of the nodes and post it to package manager.
Ps. Let me know if this solved it and i will close this issue.
pushed a package update out...should fix that.
Doesn't work for me. Maybe because path
is not a string?
Please note: I copy/pasted this into an Excel Read node in BB 2016.1.22 as that is the last 0.9.0 compatible version. So if it does work under 0.9.1 please ignore - I created a local 0.9.0 compatible version that has our package path hardcoded...
Just couldn't leave this alone... :-) This should work:
for path in child:
path_bb = path.text + "\Bumblebee\extra"
if path_bb not in sys.path:
yes, you are right my friend. Please see the latest in package manager.
Im currently experiencing same issue on Dynamo 1.0 and Bumblebee 2016.6.30. I posted screenshots to the Dynamo forum.
After moving my packages to a custom folder I noticed that BB nodes would return null. The reason for this is that the Python scripts are looking for in the default package location. A possible solution for this would be to have your script look at the package folder paths stored in DynamoSettings.xml, iterate through them and try to locate the file that way.