ksobon / Bumblebee

Excel interop for Dynamo
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implement cell merge functionality #18

Open ksobon opened 8 years ago

schiette commented 6 years ago

I would love to see this implemented.

I've never written python for Revit, so I'm doing a thought experiment here:

  1. First I would need to write some code to detect the header. I checked the API documents but couldn't find a clear way. Perhaps I could export the table twice (one with titles on and one with titles off), and then use the difference to detect how many title rows there are.
  2. If there is more than one line, there is schedule grouping. 3A. If, for a given column, there is a value on the first row but not on the second row, there is no grouping. Move to the next column. 3B. If, for a given column, there is a value on the first row AND on the second one, there is grouping. Now we iterate all the following columns until we find one that has a value on both first and second row. The grouping should stop one column before it.

Does this make sense or am I making it way too difficult?

ksobon commented 6 years ago

@schiette there is no such thing as header detection. if anything you can tell the parser that 1st row is headers or not. That's about it. I haven't gotten around to implementing anything new for this in a while. I don't use Dynamo all that much so it's a little hard for me to justify time investment.