Closed sanzoghenzo closed 8 years ago
go ahead and add that in. if you submit it here I can review the code and add it to the overall package. Thanks!
I have looked at this issue and it seems to be really simple. If you input a name "RangeName" instead of a Range notation "A1:B1" then it can be used like that:
def StyleData(ws, gs, cellRange):
# get range
if ":" in cellRange:
origin = ws.Cells(bb.xlRange(cellRange)[1], bb.xlRange(cellRange)[0])
extent = ws.Cells(bb.xlRange(cellRange)[3], bb.xlRange(cellRange)[2])
rng = ws.Range[origin, extent]
# this is a named cell range
rng = ws.Range(cellRange)
# format cell fill style
if gs.fillStyle != None:
fs = gs.fillStyle
if fs.patternType != None:
rng.Interior.Pattern = fs.PatternType()
if fs.backgroundColor != None:
rng.Interior.Color = fs.BackgroundColor()
if fs.patternColor != None:
rng.Interior.PatternColor = fs.PatternColor()
I will add that to Read Excel node and post to Package Manager with next release.
Here's an example of this functionality:
Notice it accepts three types of range input. It can be a list of range names, a single range name as string and finally a A1 formatted range string. I will add that to bumblebee as a new node. I am not sure yet if I want to break the Origin Extent way of working and change that to ranges.
I would like to use named ranges to read data from my excel files. I currently use named tables in VBA to read the contents of those tables, using the Woorksheet.Range(rangename) property. I assume this is also possible with Excel interop, but I see that the ReadData only accepts start cell and end cell to build the range. I will try to create a new node by myself using your node as a base (to not mess up with your work), but it would be wonderful if you can add this option to the node!