ksobon / MantisShrimp

A interop project for bridging the gap between Rhino/Grasshopper and Revit/Dynamo
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Different RhinoCommon default folder #3

Closed mostaphaRoudsari closed 9 years ago

mostaphaRoudsari commented 9 years ago

@ksobon default folder for RhinoCommon is different on my system. I think I will add an extra check to look also for this location (C:\Program Files\McNeel\Rhinoceros 5.0\System). Count on me for this one.


ksobon commented 9 years ago

@mostaphaRoudsari Great catch!

I still like the idea of betting on people having installed their Rhino in the default folder at C:\Program Files\Rhinoceros 5 (64-bit)\System\ However, just in case someone didn't I put in a check that will notify you. The fix would be to change that variable to "your" local path or simply create a matching folder structure.

mostaphaRoudsari commented 9 years ago

@ksobon I agree that it is a safe approach to put it on the user but here is my concerns: So many people don't have control on RhinoCommon path (IT does!), so in case you want them to edit the node themselves you need to put a really good explanation- Don't expect people who are using MS to know Python.

ksobon commented 9 years ago

@mostaphaRoudsari OK, also here's my approach. I will add the check and warning but only to "Read Rhino" and "Read GH" nodes because if your path is not right in those two then it will not be in every other node. Also, since you have to use either one of those two to read the files, then you will know right away if something is not working. I will post detailed and clear explanation on main page to make sure that if someone doesn't have the 64-bit path to make sure that they add it and move rhinocommon.dll in there or they are destined to changing that path in every node. I am not a fan of that second solution.

mostaphaRoudsari commented 9 years ago

Sounds good to me. :+1:

Another approach might be having user to input the address the first time they are using the nodes. Save it locally (in a text file), and then read it from there afterward.

Does Dynamo has a shared place similar to Rhino's sticky where you can share information along in the document? That might be another option.