ksoichiro / Android-ObservableScrollView

Android library to observe scroll events on scrollable views.
Apache License 2.0
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ObservableGridView problem #195

Open softgears opened 9 years ago

softgears commented 9 years ago

When flexible space image with viewpager with observable grid view which has incomplete number of items (when last row is not completed) see screen. screenshot_2015-08-21-13-53-11

NieKam commented 9 years ago

I'm facing the same issue. If there is empty element on the GridView it's possible to scroll gridview till all elements dissapear (GridView height seems to be unlimited) device-2015-08-31-104115 device-2015-08-31-104139

softgears commented 9 years ago

I fixed this by creating dummy views, that fills bottom line. But this is dirty hack.

NieKam commented 9 years ago

I found different workaround. You have to use your own ObservableGridView. I copied ObservableGridView to my project and point into this view in XML. and changed: private int mRowHeight = -1 to private int mRowHeight = 0;

and below convertView.setMinimumHeight(headerViewContainer.getHeight()); add if (mRowHeight != headerViewContainer.getHeight()) { mRowHeight = headerViewContainer.getHeight(); }

I'm looking for a final solution. It's reproducible in sample project - just change number of items to 99 instead of 100.
