ksoichiro / Android-ObservableScrollView

Android library to observe scroll events on scrollable views.
Apache License 2.0
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NavigationDarwer "bug" #224

Open hoordev opened 8 years ago

hoordev commented 8 years ago

Hy Men!

The project is the best,than more, but I found 1 bug. When set normally and are fully working...however Over API 21 the DrawerLayout(with Official NavigationView) not set "android:fitsSystemWindows="true".... Therefore, when the animation are working put statusbar too.

I don't speak English sorry, but I hope understandable.

The first two picture are good. The thirth and fourth picture are bad.

good_001 good_002

bad_001 bad_002

ksoichiro commented 8 years ago

Thank you for your feedback. But I don't understand the problem.. Could you share your codes to reproduce the problem?