kspi / dmenu-frecency

A dmenu-based desktop application launcher
MIT License
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Parse shell variables in dmenu-args #17

Open danijar opened 7 years ago

danijar commented 7 years ago

Currently, I have this in my i3 config to run dmenu in my system-wide color scheme:

bindsym $mod+d exec --no-startup-id dmenu_run \
    -fn 'DejaVu Sans Mono:pixelsize=19' \
    -nb '$COLOR_BG' -nf '$COLOR_FG' -sb '$COLOR_PR' -sf '$COLOR_BG'

Now I want to use dmenu-frecency, so I put this in my .config/dmenu-frecency/config.json:

"dmenu-args": [
    "-fn", "DejaVu Sans Mono:pixelsize=19",
    "-nb", "\"$COLOR_BG\"",
    "-nf", "\"$COLOR_FG\"",
    "-sb", "\"$COLOR_PR\"",
    "-sf", "\"$COLOR_BG\""

No matter the escaping (\", ', none), I get cannot allocate color '"$COLOR_BG"'. Without the color lines in the config, dmenu-frecency starts as expected but without my color scheme.