kstenerud / KSCrash

The Ultimate iOS Crash Reporter
MIT License
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[URGENT] Doesnt work on iOS 17 #501

Closed D3vMohab closed 2 months ago

D3vMohab commented 2 months ago

Everytime the app crashes due to a bug, KSCrash returns null instead of the crash! How can I fix this?

GLinnik21 commented 2 months ago

Thank you for reporting this issue. Unfortunately, the provided information is insufficient for us to diagnose and resolve the problem. Could you please provide the following details:

  1. Stack trace
  2. Version of KSCrash
  3. Device model
  4. Code snippet that reproduces the bug

Once you have this information, please reopen the issue. Thank you!

D3vMohab commented 2 months ago

I am using the latest version of KSCrash (ADDED IT VIA SWIFT PACKAGES) I am using it on an iPhone 14 Pro iOS 17.2 Simulator I got the code from the readme

#import <KSCrash/KSCrash.h>
// Include to use the standard reporter.
#import <KSCrash/KSCrashInstallationStandard.h>
// Include to use Quincy or Hockey.
#import <KSCrash/KSCrashInstallationQuincyHockey.h>
// Include to use the email reporter.
#import <KSCrash/KSCrashInstallationEmail.h>
// Include to use Victory.
#import <KSCrash/KSCrashInstallationVictory.h>

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication*) application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary*) launchOptions
KSCrashInstallationStandard* installation = [KSCrashInstallationStandard sharedInstance];
installation.url = [NSURL URLWithString:@"http://put.your.url.here"];

// OR:

KSCrashInstallationQuincy* installation = [KSCrashInstallationQuincy sharedInstance];
installation.url = [NSURL URLWithString:@"http://put.your.url.here"];

// OR:

KSCrashInstallationHockey* installation = [KSCrashInstallationHockey sharedInstance];
installation.appIdentifier = @"PUT_YOUR_HOCKEY_APP_ID_HERE";

// OR:

KSCrashInstallationEmail* installation = [KSCrashInstallationEmail sharedInstance];
installation.recipients = @[@"some@email.address"];

// Optional (Email): Send Apple-style reports instead of JSON
[installation setReportStyle:KSCrashEmailReportStyleApple useDefaultFilenameFormat:YES]; 

// Optional: Add an alert confirmation (recommended for email installation)
[installation addConditionalAlertWithTitle:@"Crash Detected"
                                 message:@"The app crashed last time it was launched. Send a crash report?"
                                noAnswer:@"No thanks"];

// OR:

KSCrashInstallationVictory* installation = [KSCrashInstallationVictory sharedInstance];
installation.url = [NSURL URLWithString:@"https://put.your.url.here/api/v1/crash/<application key>"];

[installation install];

I also made this bug to crash the app

NSArray *tmp = @[@"TMP"];

Which crashes the app but next time I open the app I dont find KSCrash trigggered!

GLinnik21 commented 2 months ago

Oh, I see. It's a simulator. I assume you are running it under the debugger. Try crashing the application without the debugger attached, and then run it with the debugger as usual.

D3vMohab commented 2 months ago

Should I just try a real device?

GLinnik21 commented 2 months ago

As I mentioned earlier, an attached debugger makes all the difference. You can try the steps I described in the comment above in any environment.

D3vMohab commented 2 months ago

@GLinnik21 I ran it on a real device and it still didnt work, it didnt get triggered but it gave me this error from KSCrash The error: Thread 1: "*** -[NSConstantArray objectAtIndexedSubscript:]: index 5 beyond bounds [0 .. 0]" on g_originalTerminateHandler(); from this file // KSCrashMonitor_CPPException.c

the code used

#import <KSCrash.h>
// Include to use the standard reporter.
#import <KSCrashInstallationStandard.h>
// Include to use Quincy or Hockey.
#import <KSCrashInstallationQuincyHockey.h>
// Include to use the email reporter.
#import <KSCrashInstallationEmail.h>
// Include to use Victory.
#import <KSCrashInstallationVictory.h>

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {

    KSCrashInstallationEmail* installation = [KSCrashInstallationEmail sharedInstance];

    installation.recipients = @[@"support@sierra.app"];

    // Optional (Email): Send Apple-style reports instead of JSON
    [installation setReportStyle:KSCrashEmailReportStyleApple useDefaultFilenameFormat:YES];

    // Optional: Add an alert confirmation (recommended for email installation)
    [installation addConditionalAlertWithTitle:@"Crash Detected"
                                     message:@"The app crashed last time it was launched. Send a crash report?"
                                    noAnswer:@"No thanks"];

    [installation install];

    double delayInSeconds = 12.0;
    dispatch_time_t popTime = dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, (int64_t)(delayInSeconds * NSEC_PER_SEC));
    dispatch_after(popTime, dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^(void){

        NSArray *tmp = @[@"de"];



Lemme know what I am doing wrong for the pop up not to appear!

GLinnik21 commented 2 months ago

but it gave me this error from KSCrash

What do you mean? If this is related to a crash, please provide the full stack trace. Also, was the debugger attached when you encountered this error?

D3vMohab commented 2 months ago

The debugger has to be attached when encountering this error because guess what without the debugger, KSCrash doesnt also trigger when a crash happens on a real device not a simulator!

bamx23 commented 2 months ago

@D3vMohab you're likely missing the call of "send all reports" on installation:


Without it installations don't sent crash reports automatically and it's up to a developer to choose when is the best moment to ask a user to send a report.

Also, just to clarify, KSCrash doesn't catch crashes when Xcode is attached as a debugger. To test your setup you can launch the app without Xcode first, make a crash and then the next launch can be with a debugger attached.