kstenerud / iOS-Universal-Framework

An XCode project template to build universal frameworks (arm7, arm7s, and simulator) for iOS / iPhone.
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MK8 real framework included as subproject, hijacks archiving of parent project. #115

Open Slangen opened 11 years ago

Slangen commented 11 years ago


I have a main project A with a subproject B. B is my real framework and everything works fine when running as normal on both device and simulator. My main issue arrives when i try to archive my main application for distribution.

My real framework project B hijacks the archiving and the output of it all is an archive with the bundle identifier, icon (none), and version of my B project. I don't get any errors (a few warnings) when trying to archive.

My B project has been updated several times from an earlier version of the framework build-setup. It was previously running MK7 (i think) and when trying to archive my A project with B project included using MK7 it wouldn't even archive.

Any ideas of why MK8 is hijacking my archive?

kstenerud commented 11 years ago

This is a known issue that I'm trying to find time to work on. I have to prioritize KSCrash for the time being but once that's done I can return to getting the universal framework up to date.