kstenerud / iOS-Universal-Framework

An XCode project template to build universal frameworks (arm7, arm7s, and simulator) for iOS / iPhone.
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Doesn't work with XCode 5 due to missing /usr/bin/libtool #125

Open markltownsend opened 10 years ago

markltownsend commented 10 years ago

Tried a project that I am working on that this code. The scripts no longer work in XCode 5 because 'libtool' doesn't exist in ../Contents/Developer/usr/bin any longer..

kstenerud commented 10 years ago

It looks like command line tools don't get installed with Xcode 5. Can you try out this guy's solution?


markltownsend commented 10 years ago

The command line tools are installed, they are just done automatically and some tools are just installed in a different directory than what was in previous version of Xcode.

I was able to change the TemplateInfo.plist to point to the right directory for libtool. $DT_TOOLCHAIN_DIR/usr/bin/libtool

I can provide a patch if you would like. Probably would need an if statement checking the Xcode version, but I haven't done that yet.

dvmrmc commented 10 years ago

i'm having the same issue, tried @kstenerud solution but Command Line toools is not installing libtool. @markltownsend TemplateInfo.plist already have that, but the problem is, Where the hell did libtool went?

djschwartz commented 10 years ago

I had this very problem with the Fake Framework. I found a quick fix that probably isn't the best or most complete solution, but it worked.

In Build Phases tab of project settings there are a couple "Run Script" items at the end. Look into one of those to find this chunk of code:

# Build the fat static library binary

echo "Create universal static library"


I replaced that with the following:

# Build the fat static library binary

echo "Create universal static library"

if [[ "$XCODE_VERSION_MAJOR" = "0500" ]]

That code came directory from https://github.com/kstenerud/iOS-Universal-Framework/blob/master/Fake%20Framework/Templates/Framework%20%26%20Library/Fake%20Static%20iOS%20Framework.xctemplate/TemplateInfo.plist

It would probably be wise to update more than just that little chunk of code, but this is what I had time for. I'll try to get a more complete update later.

LittleLaa commented 10 years ago


This work for me. Thx

priore commented 9 years ago

This work form me in Xcode 5.1.1.


nrbrook commented 9 years ago

This issue occurs in Xcode 6 beta, the if statement needs to be

if [[ "$XCODE_VERSION_MAJOR" = "0500" || "$XCODE_VERSION_MAJOR" = "0600" ]]

however, Xcode 6 supports cocoa touch frameworks natively.

loretoparisi commented 9 years ago

Having a similar issue on XCode 6 (now Gold Master) due to iphone simulator folder (I guess) for the same script: https://github.com/kstenerud/iOS-Universal-Framework/issues/197