kstenerud / iOS-Universal-Framework

An XCode project template to build universal frameworks (arm7, arm7s, and simulator) for iOS / iPhone.
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Not compiling i386? #177

Closed tparry closed 10 years ago

tparry commented 10 years ago

Ever since I updated to Xcode 5.1 my frameworks haven't been compiling with the i386 architecture (for the simulator). I have reinstalled the framework and it didn't help.

It affects new projects and also old ones that previously would compile i386.

7934345 commented 10 years ago

try this: in your project setting -> Architectures->Valid Architectures add i386

tparry commented 10 years ago

I tried that and still it doesn't work, is anybody else having the same problem?

You can check compiled archs using the command line tool:

$ lipo -info {path to binary}

michalkos commented 10 years ago

Hi, I'm having the same problem. Guess I will have to download XCode 5.0 for now.

pinping commented 10 years ago

try this: in your framework project setting -> Architectures->Valid Architectures delete i386 , setting -> Architectures -> armv7 armv7s arm64

tparry commented 10 years ago

@pinping That's what the settings are already set to

michalkos commented 10 years ago

I've managed to solve the issue. First of all. I was using mk7, so I updated to mk8. After that, it was giving me an error with missing i386. So I added it to Valid Architectures. Important thing is, you need to do Archive, not to Build. It works for me now.

tparry commented 10 years ago

@michalkos Yep this was the issue, thanks. Previously just 'building' would do all architectures, now I need to archive instead.

EmperiorEric commented 10 years ago

These did not solve my issue. I opened a Stack Overflow question to track it.
