kstenerud / iOS-Universal-Framework

An XCode project template to build universal frameworks (arm7, arm7s, and simulator) for iOS / iPhone.
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Resources not copied for application target in same project #185

Open mickmgit opened 9 years ago

mickmgit commented 9 years ago

I have a project with an embedded framework, and I have a test app as another target within that project. The app depends on the framework, and includes it as a library to link with. Obviously a shortcut to not having to copy the framework over to an outside project each time and build it.

It works very well, except that sometimes the resrouces are not copied to the app. Most of the time it works, but when it doesn't I've found that if I build the app for another version of the simulator, say 6.0, then build it again for 7.1, Xcode then seems to copy everything fine.

I just built a new project which has 3 frameworks with some common files: 2 different frameworks and then a combined, so we can give a client one or the other or both. But on this one, no matter what I do, I can't get Xcode to copy the resources over. I do it by hand, and everything works fine.

I'm writing a shell script, somewhat hardcoded, for the app itself to just copy over the resources after it builds, but wanted to know if any one else has run into this and if there is a solution.
