kstenerud / iOS-Universal-Framework

An XCode project template to build universal frameworks (arm7, arm7s, and simulator) for iOS / iPhone.
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Archive process creates Absolute Path symbolic link for Embedded Framework #194

Open mickmgit opened 9 years ago

mickmgit commented 9 years ago

We are still on MK7, and when doing a build of the framework the Product.framework directory created in the../DerivedData/Product.xxx...xxx/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator directory is an actual directory. When the embedded framework is build, the 3rd script copies the directory just named into the Product.embeddedframework directory, along with creating the Resources directory and copying the resources there. All well and good.

However, when we archive, Product.framework in the ../DerivedData/Product.xxx...xxx/Build/Intermediates/ArchiveIntermediates/Product directory is now a symbolic link with an absolute pathname. So when the copy of that link to the Ppoduct.embeddedframwork takes place, what is copied is the symbolic link. So we don't have a new directory structure there with the copied contents, we have a symbolic link with an absolute pathname to the Product.framework directory.

Has anyone seen this before? It's easily fixed with changes to the cp command, or just always creating the directory and then add a "/" to the end of the source to copy the contents, but I'm not sure why I'm having to do this. I would think that if this was an issue, it would have been found and fixed long ago.