kstenerud / iOS-Universal-Framework

An XCode project template to build universal frameworks (arm7, arm7s, and simulator) for iOS / iPhone.
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Missing armv7s slice when use Xcode 6 #199

Open MasterBeta opened 9 years ago

MasterBeta commented 9 years ago

Everything works fine with Xcode 5. The framework compiled with Xcode 5 contains armv7, armv7s and i386 slices, just as I expected.

But armv7s slice is missing after I switched to Xcode 6, added the missing libtool and reinstalled iOS Universal framework.

The only change made to the project is the "LastUpdateCheck" in project.pbxproj file. Nothing else.

Any clues? Thanks in advance.

paynerc commented 9 years ago

Xcode dropped armv7s from the "Standard Architectures" value. They did this because only on device used the armv7s chip and the set of instructions that the armv7s had over the armv7 was minimal.

You can add armv7s to the architectures explicitly to add it back.

--sent from the iPhone

On Sep 22, 2014, at 11:42 PM, MasterBeta notifications@github.com wrote:

Everything works fine with Xcode 5. The framework compiled with Xcode 5 contains armv7, armv7s and i386 slices, just as I expected.

But armv7s slice is missing after I switched to Xcode 6, added the missing libtool and reinstall iOS Universal framework.

The only change made to the project is the "LastUpdateCheck" in project.pbxproj file. Nothing else.

Any clues? Thanks in advance.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

MasterBeta commented 9 years ago

Just works like a charm.

Thank you!