kstenerud / iOS-Universal-Framework

An XCode project template to build universal frameworks (arm7, arm7s, and simulator) for iOS / iPhone.
2.95k stars 474 forks source link

source file(.m) of framework can be seen in user project #207

Closed lwsitachi closed 9 years ago

lwsitachi commented 9 years ago

Hey,guys.I created a embedded framework named "MyFramework_1" which use the third party source code------"MKNetworkKit". 2014-12-23 4 31 29 The framework links all the .m files used in my framework and only make a header file seen to its user. Then I linked the "MyFramework_1.framework" in another project named "UseMyframework_1". When I run the project, it comes into an error as some reason and collapses. And Xcode show the "MKNetworkEngine.m" file which is part of "MKNetworkKit". 2014-12-23 2 49 50 It's so weird.A similar issue is here.https://github.com/kstenerud/iOS-Universal-Framework/issues/126.