kstenerud / iOS-Universal-Framework

An XCode project template to build universal frameworks (arm7, arm7s, and simulator) for iOS / iPhone.
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Xcode crash when using xib or storyboard in embedded framework #53

Open bgulanowski opened 12 years ago

bgulanowski commented 12 years ago

If I build an embedded framework with user interface layouts, trying to process those files in a client application project causes problems for ibtool and Xcode.

ibtool is trying to run on the symbolic links in the top-level Resources framework, and bails with an error like this:

/* com.apple.ibtool.errors / (path)/X.storyboard: error: Exception while loading document at path (path)/X.storyboard: -[NSFileWrapper regularFileContents] ** this method is only for regular file type NSFileWrappers

This in turn causes Xcode to freak out and throw many exceptions and usually disables the Utilities inspector pane.

The same exception can be triggered by adding the Resources folder to the project and selecting what looks like a normal xib/nib/storyboard, but is in fact a symlink.

Perhaps, technically, this bug is actually in Xcode/ibtool, not handling symbolic links sanely. But perhaps there exists a workaround.

Note: I am using Xcode 4.2; perhaps this has been fixed in 4.3. (But my colleagues are having lots of problems with 4.3 and I am reluctant to upgrade.)

tonyzonghui commented 11 years ago

Is this problem fixed?

logansiva commented 9 years ago

Can you please post the code here for my reference?. I am able to access the storyboard.