kstyrc / embedded-redis

Redis embedded server for Java integration testing
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Test is failing due to error org.redisson.client.WriteRedisConnectionException #124

Open kamalbctg opened 3 years ago

kamalbctg commented 3 years ago

Concurrent Testing to check behavior of Rlock

Exception Details: Time elapsed: 0.656 s <<< ERROR! org.redisson.client.WriteRedisConnectionException: Unable to write command into connection! Node source: NodeSource [slot=0, addr=null, redisClient=null, redirect=null, entry=null], connection: RedisConnection@574508184 [redisClient=[addr=redis://localhost:6333], channel=[id: 0xd62555f1, L:], currentCommand=null], command: (EVAL), params: [local v = redis.call('hget', KEYS[1], ARGV[1]); redis.call('hset', KEYS[1], ARGV[1], ARGV[2]); retur..., 1, RequestRatelimitingCache, PooledUnsafeDirectByteBuf(ridx: 0, widx: 42, cap: 256), PooledUnsafeDirectByteBuf(ridx: 0, widx: 103, cap: 256)] after 3 retry attempts Caused by: io.netty.channel.StacklessClosedChannelException

I was using following VM

Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
     config.vm.box = "ubuntu/trusty64"
     config.vm.network :private_network, ip: ""
     config.vm.synced_folder "tools", "/home/vagrant/apps"
     config.vm.provider :virtualbox do |vb|
        vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--memory", "1024", "--cpus", "1"]

