ksumngs / yavsap

Yet Another Viral Subspecies Analysis Pipeline
MIT License
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[Feature]: Disinguish between 'Illumina' and 'Paired-end' reads #27

Closed MillironX closed 2 years ago

MillironX commented 2 years ago


In places where reads can be processed as paired- or single-end reads, they need to be processed agnostic of whether they are Illumina/Nanopore/PacBio/etc. reads.

Added Features

Additional processes

To implement the --interleaved flag, SeqTK (Docker image), will need to implement a deinterleaving process.

Added (and Modified) parameters

More Info


The pipeline was unable to process Single-end Illumina reads. The way reads are processed now is not reflective of reality.


The only alternative currently is to run the reads using --platform ont.

Possible implementation