kswedberg / jquery-tmbundle

TextMate bundle for jQuery
561 stars 228 forks source link

map snippet has elem, index reversed #8

Closed krismolendyke closed 13 years ago

krismolendyke commented 13 years ago

http://api.jquery.com/jQuery.map specifies: jQuery.map( array, callback(elementOfArray, indexInArray) )

and the snippet is currently:

.map(function(index, elem) { ${1:return ${2:something};}

I'd request a placeholder for specifying the array argument, as well, please! Thanks!

kswedberg commented 13 years ago

sorry about that. actually, I didn't have a snippet for jQuery.map, just for $.map, so when TextMate saw the ".map" part, it just used the snippet for that (http://api.jquery.com/map/).

I've updated the bundle to include a "jQuery." snippet for every "$." snippet, so if you pull down the latest, it should work now for you.

krismolendyke commented 13 years ago

Great, thanks!