Thank you for the excellent plugin. It was working great, but when I upgraded ebean to the latest version the enhancement no longer works. I did some bisecting and it works on 7.5.1 but fails on 7.6.1.
I have a simple project with a single model. The following jar build command works on 7.5.1 but fails on 7.6.1
gradle clean shadowJar
I do have other plugins, including kotlin, and shadowJar but they all work for any ebean version up to 7.5.1.
On the release notes I do see some classpath changes on 7.6.1.
Following is 7.5.1 (working)
16:53:36 [main] INFO com.avaje.ebeaninternal.server.core.BootupClassPathSearch - Classpath search hits in jars [all.jar] pkgs [model] searchTime [1260]
16:53:36 [main] INFO org.avaje.datasource.pool.ConnectionPool - DataSourcePool [pg] autoCommit[false] transIsolation[READ_COMMITTED] min[2] max[100]
16:53:36 [main] INFO com.avaje.ebean.internal.DefaultContainer - DatabasePlatform name:pg platform:postgres
16:53:37 [main] INFO com.avaje.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.BeanDescriptorManager - Entities enhanced[1]
Not working 7.6.1: (classpath issues I assume)
17:00:09 [main] WARN org.avaje.classpath.scanner.internal.scanner.classpath.ClassPathScanner - Unable to resolve location classpath:
17:00:09 [main] INFO com.avaje.ebeaninternal.server.core.BootupClassPathSearch - Classpath search entities[0] searchTime [2]
17:00:09 [main] INFO org.avaje.datasource.pool.ConnectionPool - DataSourcePool [pg] autoCommit[false] transIsolation[READ_COMMITTED] min[2] max[100]
17:00:09 [main] INFO com.avaje.ebean.internal.DefaultContainer - DatabasePlatform name:pg platform:postgres
17:00:09 [main] INFO com.avaje.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.BeanDescriptorManager - Entities enhanced[0]
Thank you for the excellent plugin. It was working great, but when I upgraded ebean to the latest version the enhancement no longer works. I did some bisecting and it works on 7.5.1 but fails on 7.6.1.
I have a simple project with a single model. The following jar build command works on 7.5.1 but fails on 7.6.1
gradle clean shadowJar
I do have other plugins, including kotlin, and shadowJar but they all work for any ebean version up to 7.5.1.
On the release notes I do see some classpath changes on 7.6.1.
Following is 7.5.1 (working)
Not working 7.6.1: (classpath issues I assume)
This is the breaking change in 7.6.1