ktindiana / sphinxval

SPHINX validation code for solar energetic particle models
MIT License
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Feature Request: Add in missing metrics that have placeholders but are not being calculated #48

Closed ktindiana closed 3 months ago

ktindiana commented 6 months ago

e.g. Spearman correlation coefficient, symmetric skill scores, skill scores for extreme events, etc

ktindiana commented 6 months ago



Other worthwhile metrics? Look into Sadykov Skill Score.

rickyegeland commented 6 months ago

Add All Clear / contingency metric symmetric extreme dependency score (SEDS). See Liemohn et al. 2021, RSME is not enough, JASTP Sec 3.2.5 "Extremes".

SEDS = ln( (a+b) / N ) + ln( (a+c) / N) / ln( a/N ) -1

where a = Hits, b = False Alarms, c = Misses, d = Correct Negatives, N = a + b + c + d

rickyegeland commented 4 months ago

@claya71 is it done already in #57 ? Is the Brier Skill Score still missing?

claya71 commented 4 months ago

BSS has been added, in conjunction with the changes that added ROC curves. I believe the spirit of this issue has been resolved.