ktisis-tools / Ktisis

A robust posing tool for creating screenshots in FFXIV's GPose mode.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Stop Ktisis from loading hair for expressions #147

Open HoloWise opened 1 month ago

HoloWise commented 1 month ago

As in title, with the current increase in use of position in regards to expression posing and need to use position importing for expressions it'd be nice to have an option for expression import to NOT affect hair bones position at all as it seems to generate issues.

As an example, my hair is weighted ONLY to j_ex bones so I assume the issue here is with hair weighted to bones without any parent as it's only the j_ex bones shifting around

Below examples are done with Expression only and rotation+position

Reference: image

After loading MY pose with a vanilla expression image

After loading SOMEONE ELSE's vanilla expression a few times, the j_ex nodes keep floating up with every load of an expression image

Loading expression from someone's custom Miqote pose explodes the hair on j_ex nodes image

A possible workaround for it would be

  1. Backup your current pose
  2. Load pose with desired expression with Body+Expression and Rotation+Position enabled
  3. Export resulting pose as temporary pose
  4. Load backup pose made in point 1
  5. Load Expression with Rotation+Position made in point 3

Alternatively one can move each j_ex bone a bit, load the custom expression, and then use revert to move the bones back into place from before that move we did at the beginning.


chirpxiv commented 1 month ago

agree, will need finer control over pose loading