For more background, see my previous post about GitHub Actions.
Now that it's possible to follow the blog and be notified by watching on GitHub, I wanted to incorporate a little more interactivity. As much as anyone enjoys shouting into the void, I do like the idea of getting feedback - so it's time to incorporate comments.
I follow a gamedev blog on github that uses issues for posts, which seems like a pretty elegant solution to me: you get comments, reactions, labels, and search "for free". Plus, issues are written in markdown, which is already the format this blog uses for posts (mostly - foreshadowing). I wanted to maintain the independence of the static site, so that means mirroring each post to a GitHub issue, and then displaying comments on the site by retrieving them from GitHub's API.
Making Issues
Using another GitHub action, we can sync the contents of the ./src/blog/ directory with the repo's issues. At some point in the distant past when writing the static site generator, I decided to use @key = value lines in the markdown to set page metadata (which is then used during generation). I don't know why I did this, really. This has the side effect of including the metadata assignments in the rendered page if I don't strip them out while processing, but since the format is simple it's a quick adjustment. I'm probably going to go in and change those out for markdown "comments", i.e. [//]: # (key = value) which is a creative use of link labels - but it works for now.
The steps of the action boil down to:
checkout the repo
grep the blog directory for name metadata, writing it to a file
in the github-script step, read the files corresponding to posts and create (or update) issues - applying labels based on metadata
Here is the complete action, and as before, I'm not responsible if my terrible JavaScript gets you fired/burns your house down:
name: blog-post-create-issues
branches: [ master ]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: collect-titles
run: "grep -E '@name\\s*\\=' ./src/blog/ -R > posts.txt && cat posts.txt"
- uses: actions/github-script@v3
github-token: ${{secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN}}
script: |
const fs = require("fs")
const { owner, repo } = context.repo
const result = await github.issues.listForRepo({ owner, repo })
const issues = Object.fromEntries( => [x.title, x]))
let lines = fs.readFileSync('posts.txt').toString().split('\n')
lines.forEach(l => {
l = l.trim()
if (!l) return
let [f, nameLine] = l.split(':')
let labels = ["blog-post"]
const body = fs.readFileSync(f).toString().split('\n').map(x => {
if (x.match(/^\s*@labels/)) {
labels = labels.concat(x.trim().slice(x.indexOf('=')+1).split(",").map(l => l.trim()))
return x
}).filter(x => !x.match(/^@/))
.replace(/(!\[[^\]]*\]\()(\/[^\)]+\))/g, "$1${owner}/${repo}/raw/master$2") // MD image
.replace(/(\[[^\]]*\]\()(\/[^\)]+\))/g, "$1${owner}/${repo}/blob/master$2") // MD link
.replace(/(src=")(\/[^"]+")/g, "$1${owner}/${repo}/raw/master$2") // <img> tag
const title = nameLine.slice(nameLine.indexOf('=')+1).trim()
if (title in issues) {
const found = issues[title]
owner, repo,
issue_number: found.number,
labels: found.labels.concat(labels),
title, body,
github.issues.create({ owner, repo, title, body, labels })
The only notable pieces are the three replace calls run on the file contents - if I leave relative links and images like ![caption](, they will break when inserted into a github issue. Instead, since we know relative static content will exist under${owner}/${repo}/, we can link to the appropriate /blob or /raw page. The same is done with image tags. This probably isn't a 100% foolproof or robust solution, but since I'm still in control of the source it just needs to be good enough to avoid broken links.
this image link is modified in the created issue
Displaying Comments
So now we have a way for readers to comment on (and react to) posts, but needing to leave the site to see these comments defeats the purpose. I initially wrote a JavaScript snippet using octokit to pull comments from the associated issue, create DOM elements, and shove them in a div at the bottom of the page. For such a rudimentary solution, it worked pretty well.
The main drawback of the putting a simple custom script on the page is that the reader has to leave in order to submit a comment. While researching options I stumbled on which is fantastic, and as you can see below, what I ended up using. The app is extremely easy to integrate with a GitHub repo - I could have omitted the action above and relied on to generate issues for me, but the current method does give me a bit more control over the issue body. The simplicity of the setup instructions speaks for itself - just add the GitHub app to the repo and a script tag to the page.
You don't have to rely on canned solutions, it's often fulfilling (and fun!) to roll your own if the task is simple enough
... that said, sometimes you find an elegant premade solution like - don't succumb to NIH syndrome
For more background, see my previous post about GitHub Actions.
Now that it's possible to follow the blog and be notified by watching on GitHub, I wanted to incorporate a little more interactivity. As much as anyone enjoys shouting into the void, I do like the idea of getting feedback - so it's time to incorporate comments.
I follow a gamedev blog on github that uses issues for posts, which seems like a pretty elegant solution to me: you get comments, reactions, labels, and search "for free". Plus, issues are written in markdown, which is already the format this blog uses for posts (mostly - foreshadowing). I wanted to maintain the independence of the static site, so that means mirroring each post to a GitHub issue, and then displaying comments on the site by retrieving them from GitHub's API.
Making Issues
Using another GitHub action, we can sync the contents of the
directory with the repo's issues. At some point in the distant past when writing the static site generator, I decided to use@key = value
lines in the markdown to set page metadata (which is then used during generation). I don't know why I did this, really. This has the side effect of including the metadata assignments in the rendered page if I don't strip them out while processing, but since the format is simple it's a quick adjustment. I'm probably going to go in and change those out for markdown "comments", i.e.[//]: # (key = value)
which is a creative use of link labels - but it works for now.The steps of the action boil down to:
step, read the files corresponding to posts and create (or update) issues - applying labels based on metadataHere is the complete action, and as before, I'm not responsible if my terrible JavaScript gets you fired/burns your house down:
The only notable pieces are the three
calls run on the file contents - if I leave relative links and images like![caption](
, they will break when inserted into a github issue. Instead, since we know relative static content will exist under${owner}/${repo}/
, we can link to the appropriate/blob
page. The same is done with image tags. This probably isn't a 100% foolproof or robust solution, but since I'm still in control of the source it just needs to be good enough to avoid broken links.this image link is modified in the created issue
Displaying Comments
So now we have a way for readers to comment on (and react to) posts, but needing to leave the site to see these comments defeats the purpose. I initially wrote a JavaScript snippet using octokit to pull comments from the associated issue, create DOM elements, and shove them in a div at the bottom of the page. For such a rudimentary solution, it worked pretty well.
The main drawback of the putting a simple custom script on the page is that the reader has to leave in order to submit a comment. While researching options I stumbled on which is fantastic, and as you can see below, what I ended up using. The app is extremely easy to integrate with a GitHub repo - I could have omitted the action above and relied on to generate issues for me, but the current method does give me a bit more control over the issue body. The simplicity of the setup instructions speaks for itself - just add the GitHub app to the repo and a script tag to the page.